Installing new add-ons with the Available Software page

To browse for available software and select add-ons to install in the system (requires Internet access):

  1. Click Help > Software Updates ... and select the Available Software page. This page shows you the items that are available for installation.
  2. By default, the items are grouped underneath each update site that is available. The latest version of each item is shown, and items that are already installed are not shown. You can change the way that you browse add-ons using the following methods:
  3. As you browse the available software, check the items that you wish to install.
  4. Click Install... to install the checked items. You will be able to review the items to be installed in the Install wizard.

Related concepts

Related tasks
Installing software using the Install wizard
Updating with the Installed Software page
Uninstalling software using the Uninstall wizard
Scheduling automatic updates
Reverting to a saved configuration