Calculating elapsed time

This topic describes how to calculate the elapsed time between two different times of the day, such as the length of time between 11.50 am and 4.23 pm.
Use the Standard/Military Time Converter to convert standard times to military times before beginning this procedure.
It can be difficult to work out how long has passed between two times of day, especially if one time is in the morning and the other in the evening. This procedure explains how to use the World Time Pro to easily calculate the elapsed time between two times of day.
  1. In the main calculation pane, type the later time of day in the Hour and Min fields in the upper row of entry fields.
    Attention: The time must be in military time.
  2. Click Minus.
  3. Type the earlier time of day in the Hour and Min fields in the lower row of entry fields.
    Attention: The time must be in military time.
  4. Click Equals.
The elapsed time appears in the result fields.
For example, to calculate how much time has passed between 11.50 am and 4.23 pm, use the Standard/Military Time Converter to convert the times to military time. 4.23 pm becomes 16.23, and 11.50 am becomes 11.50. Type 16 23 in the upper row of entry fields, click Minus, and type 11 50 in the lower row of entry fields. Click Equals. The result of 4 hours 33 min appears in the result fields.
Related tasks
Calculating time
Calculating the hours in a large number of minutes or seconds
Related reference
The World Time Pro window