The Date Analysis Engine window

This topic describes the buttons and fields in the Date Analysis Engine window.

The Date Analysis Engine window

This graphic shows the fields and buttons in the Date
        Analysis Engine window. The window contains the
        Date Analysis Engine pane and the
        calendar pane.
Field or button Number Function
Range selector 1 Inactive in this edition of World Time Pro.
Day drop-down box n/a Specifies the day that is used in the calculation.
Month drop-down box n/a Specifies the month that is used in the calculation.
Year field n/a Specifies the year that is used in the calculation.
Analyze button n/a Performs the calculation.
Day Of The Week field n/a Displays the day of the week for the date in the Day, Month and Year fields.
Display Calendar checkbox n/a Specifies if the calendar pane appears.
Reset button n/a Deletes the values from the Year and Day Of The Week fields, clears the calendar pane, changes the value of the Day field to 1, and changes the value of the Month field to January.
Clear button n/a Deletes the values from the Year and Day Of The Week fields, and clears the calendar pane.
Theoretical button n/a Inactive in this edition of World Time Pro.
Factual button n/a Inactive in this edition of World Time Pro.
Calendar pane 2 Displays the days of the week for the month specifed in the Month and Year fields.
Related concepts
About the Gregorian calendar
Related tasks
Using the Date Analysis Engine